Disabled Persons Housing Service (Fife) is recruiting for two new part-time posts to join our committed team and become part of our user-led organisation which provides a range of services to enable disabled people to live independently in the community of their choice.
With support of Scottish Government DPHS(Fife) are extending a successful housing information & advice/options service to incorporate Self Directed Support information, advice and support service for disabled people, their families and carers, to explore (achievable) outcomes, including any creative solutions, utilising all potential providers/links, and to do this alongside others who have done the same (mentors/champions) – an SDS Options casework approach.
Self Directed Support Project Worker – Support In The Right Direction
17.5 hour week (full time equivalent £21,600-22,968 pro rata)
Project funded for up to 3 years
We are seeking a dynamic, motivated individual to drive forward this new project work with energy and imagination.
The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and maintaining a new SDS Advice/Info Project to include provision of SDS options reports detailing both statutory and non-statutory routes for exploration in meeting individual outcomes. The ideal candidate is one who truly understands the importance, for an individual, of choice, control and flexibility and is open to exploring the variety of means through which this may be achieved. To be successful in this role you will demonstrate proven communication skills and confidence in all types of communication with ability to represent the organisation at all levels as awareness raising is a requirement of the post – for example this will include individuals and their families, the voluntary sector and stakeholders, including the statutory sector. Further detail included in the candidate pack below.
Self Directed Support Volunteer Co-ordinator – Support In The Right Direction
17.5 hour week (full time equivalent £21,600-22,968 pro rata)
Project funded for up to 3 years
The new SDS Project at DPHS(Fife) will be supported by a new volunteering project – SDS Volunteers. The project is seeking an SDS Volunteer Co-ordinator.
The successful SDS Volunteer Co-ordinator will be responsible for developing and maintaining a new SDS Volunteer project to enable individuals to share their experiences to help others and to inform future policy and procedures. Individuals who are going through their SDS journey have much wisdom and valuable experiences to share with others and you will understand and nurture this. With proven communication skills you will help tell stories, raise awareness via meetings, presentations, social media, press etc and encourage volunteer involvement in all of this. You will display an understanding establishing positive and supportive relationships, outcomes based approaches and meeting targets. You will also be confident in evidencing the impacts on health and well being of the volunteers. You will have awareness and experience of everything required for a start up volunteer project, and how to grow this and you will be someone who enjoys the challenge of doing so. Further detail included in the candidate pack below.
Full details of both posts and their fit with the wider DPHS(F) advice provision, is included in the full candidate packs below. Please submit by email or post by the closing date Wednesday 13th May.

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dphs(f)_sds_project_worker_job_description_01_04_2015_11_42_36.doc |

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dphs(f)_sds_volunteer_co-ordinator_job_description.docx |

dphs(f)_person_specification_vol_coordinator.docx |

dphs(f)_sds_volunteer_co-ordinator_summary_of_conditions.docx |

dphs(f)_guidance_notes_on_filling_in_the_application_form.docx |

dphsfife_application-form_0.doc |

dphsfife_application-form_0.pdf |

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